Friday, May 3, 2013

Funtions of Costumes: Accent, Reflect, and Reveal

Costumes have quite an important role in the theatre and according to Dennis Spore’s Reality Through the Arts, costumes have three purposes: to accent, reflect, and to reveal (Spore 155).  When a costume accents a play, it shows the relationship between characters and it also lets the audience know which character/s are more important. 
Costumes reflect a certain time, for instance time of day, era, or location.  If a play takes place during the 1920’s, the actors should be wearing the appropriate clothing.  Jeans and a t-shirt would not be sufficed.  The clothing should show the audience what time period they are in, without having to tell them directly. 

1.1 Appropriate time period clothing

Costumes need to also reveal a character in with it showcases the type of person they are.  If the character is wealthy, then he/she would be wearing expensive looking clothes.  Costumes also reveal the profession of characters; a doctor, as shown in photo 1.2, should be wearing a white coat, scrubs and/or a stethoscope. 
1.2 Doctor and nurse both clearly showcase their profession

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